Catholic Parish Outreach, or CPO, is a program of Catholic Charities that seeks to fight hunger in Wake County. CPO serves all in need in the Raleigh Deanery (Wake, Johnston, and Franklin Counties) regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc. To learn more about CPO’s hours, upcoming events or staff, please visit their webpage.
Support Circle Program for Homeless Families
The Support Circle Program is a yearlong program to empower families experiencing homelessness to secure and maintain permanent housing. The program leverages the power of partnerships with caring adults who provide moral, spiritual and practical support to build upon the strengths of the families.
Churches, synagogues, mosques and other organizations are invited to organize teams of 6-10 volunteers to partner with a family for at least one year. Support Circles work with the family around critical needs for personal growth and development, putting them on the path to economic self-sufficiency and building community.
Support Circle teams work with families to: secure permanent housing, create and adhere to a financial budget, improve their ability to earn more through job skills training opportunities, mentor children in the family, address child care and transportation issues, improve access to needed health and social services, provide support that will foster the strengths in their assigned family and provide moral and spiritual support.
To learn more about The Support Circle Program, please contact Sharon Mitchell at
The Support Circle Program receives funding from Wake County, the City of Raleigh and private & individual donations.
If you would like to donate to support this work, please click the button below.
Wrapped with Love allows Support Circle and Pride for Parents families to purchase donated Christmas Gifts for their immediate household families for a nominal fee. Not only does this provide clients the opportunity and dignity to select Christmas gifts for loved ones, but the funds raised from the sales go back to the emergency assistance program, creating a dual impact! We are also proud of our unique children’s shop which allows children to proudly shop for their parents/guardian.
Click here to learn more about the Wrapped with Love Christmas Program.
The St. Michael’s SHARES ministry is a parish based program with a full time Family Case Manager who will help families achieve, or move closer to, self-sufficiency and more stable lives as part of the Catholic Charities Family Advancement Services Program.
To learn more about St. Michael’s hours, upcoming events, or staff, please visit their webpage.

Clinical Counseling
Services are $35 for uninsured or low income individuals/families. Services are available online or in person.
To schedule an appointment, contact Ruth DeVito at 984-238-2351 or by email at
Servicios de Asesoramiento Clínico
Caridades Católicas de la Diócesis de Raleigh brinda servicios de asesoramiento clínico bilingüe con capacitación profesional a personas, parejas y familias que:
• Están experimentando angustia emocional.
• Quieren crecer hasta alcanzar su máximo potencial.
• Tienen dificultades para lidiar con el estrés, la depresión o la ansiedad.
• Desean aumentar sus habilidades para afrontar las luchas de la vida.
• Deseo de curación del dolor, la pérdida o las relaciones tensas.
• Desregulación del comportamiento en niños de 3 años+
Los servicios de asesoramiento se brindan desde una perspectiva que reconoce los aspectos emocionales, conductuales, cognitivos, espirituales y físicos de la curación o el crecimiento de un individuo.
Los servicios cuestan $35 para personas/familias sin seguro o de bajos ingresos. Servicios están disponible en línea o en persona.
Para programar una cita comuníquese con Ruth DeVito al 984-238-2351 o por correo electrónico al