pulled pork pic


April 26, 2025


3:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
(or until the pig runs out!)


2013 Raleigh Blvd.
Raleigh, NC

pig pickin 010



Come tap your toes to

Bluegrass music by

Shannon Baker & Sometime Soon!


Pre-Purchased tickets picked up day of event!

Questions? Please contact Kelly Rappl, CPO Program Director, at Kelly.Rappl@ccharitiesdor.org.

Crown Roast – $2,500+

Your name and company logo will have placement in our promotions

20 Pig Pickin tickets

Medallion of Loin – $1,000

Your name and company logo will have placement in our promotions

10 Pig Pickin tickets

Center Cut Chop – $500

Your name will be included in our promotional materials

5 Pig Pickin tickets

Baby Back Ribs – $250

2 Pig Pickin tickets

Individual Tickets

$12 / Plate (Pre-Order) orΒ  $15 / Plate (On Site)

Bake Sale

Finish off your delicious Pig Pickin’ meal with a donated baked good item. Dessert items available for purchase will be posted on Friday, April 25th.

Calling all Bakers – If you are a baker, have a favorite recipe, and are interested in contributing to our bake sale, please contact Darcy Hull at cpovol.coordinator@ccharitiesdor.org! We would love to have your contribution.

We ask that items be boxed and delivered to CPO no later than Friday, April 25th, before 9:00 a.m.