Case Management and Community Referrals:

Centro Para Familias Hispanas (CPFH) provides family support and case management services helping to alleviate the effects of poverty of the Hispanic community in Wake County. These services include: completion and attainment of SNAP, Medicaid and various other benefit applications and services; guidance and assistance with certain legal processes and rights through internal and external resources; facilitation of access to services targeting the health, education and development of children ages 0-5; connection and facilitations of services and/or programs not provided by CPFH such as Wake Tech courses, Referrals to attorneys, low-cost medical clinics, etc.

Assistance in completing the Food Stamp and Medicaid Application:

CPFH staff assists families in filling out applications for food stamps and Medicaid, as well as providing support in the obtainment of various other assistance programs and services that a regular family may not be able to themselves due to various barriers.

Education Programs:

Centro Para Familias Hispanas (CPFH) refers children from ages 0-5 to early Intervention programs in Wake County as well as to Head Start, NC Pre K and school readiness homebased programs. CPFH also refers children to behavioral programs so that parents learn how to manage behavior at home.

Developmental Screenings for Preschool Children:

As part of the early intervention program, CPFH offers developmental screenings for children from ages 0-5. These are carried out through the Ages and Stages Questionnaire to detect possible delays in children’s learning, speech, or development.

After School Programs:

This afterschool tutoring program is designed to help elementary school children reach and/or maintain their reading level at grade level as well as providing general homework assistance and math tutoring. Currently, CPFH only offers virtual tutoring through volunteer tutors.

Tax Preparation:

Appointment Schedule

February 1, 2025 – April 12, 2025
Appointments available 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Scheduling an Appointment

  1. Call Center is open M-F 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. / 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
  2. Call: (919) 286 – 1822 or Visit the Online Website
  3. Request the Raleigh Location

“Pequeños Gigantes” Summer Camp: 

CPFH offers a one-week long Summer Camp for low-income Hispanic children in the summer. Classes offered in the camp are: Music, Reading, Art, Physical Activity, Faith in Action and Dance. This wonderful program is done in partnership with St. Francis of Assisi Youth Ministry. Applications go out in April and it has limited registration.

Women’s Leadership Program: 

This program is designed to empower vulnerable Hispanic women by providing them motivational conferences that will inform them and educate them on social-emotional topics as well as to give them tools to become leaders. CPFH in partnership with Council on Immigrant Relations offers one conference a year and a support group that continues preparing women in leadership throughout the year.

Wrapped with Love Christmas Program:

In the spirit of the Christmas season, Catholic Charities organizes the Wrapped with Love Christmas Program to connect families with toys that can be shared with their children. Parents need to register children in advance and the application goes out at the end of October.