Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh provides professionally-trained bilingual clinical counseling services to individuals, couples, and families who:
• Are experiencing emotional distress
• Want to grow toward their full potential
• Are experiencing difficulty dealing with stress, depression or anxiety
• Desire increased skills to deal with life’s struggles
• Desire healing from grief, loss or strained relationships
• Behavioral dysregulation for children ages 3+
Counseling Services are provided from a perspective which recognizes the emotional, behavioral, cognitive, spiritual and physical aspects of an individuals’ healing or growth. Counseling is provided by licensed mental health therapists in English or Spanish in many areas of eastern North Carolina.
Services are $40 for uninsured or low income individuals/families. Services are available online or in person.
Caridades Católicas de la Diócesis de Raleigh brinda servicios de asesoramiento clínico bilingüe con capacitación profesional a personas, parejas y familias que:
• Están experimentando angustia emocional.
• Quieren crecer hasta alcanzar su máximo potencial.
• Tienen dificultades para lidiar con el estrés, la depresión o la ansiedad.
• Desean aumentar sus habilidades para afrontar las luchas de la vida.
• Deseo de curación del dolor, la pérdida o las relaciones tensas.
• Desregulación del comportamiento en niños de 3 años+
Los servicios de asesoramiento se brindan desde una perspectiva que reconoce los aspectos emocionales, conductuales, cognitivos, espirituales y físicos de la curación o el crecimiento de un individuo. En muchas áreas del este de Carolina del Norte, terapeutas de salud mental autorizados brindan asesoramiento en inglés o español.
Los servicios cuestan $40 para personas/familias sin seguro o de bajos ingresos. Servicios están disponible en línea o en persona.
Meet our team!
Raleigh Staff
Ruth DeVito- Clinical Director/Counselor
Ruth holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of South Florida and a master’s in mental health counseling from Argosy University. In 2017, she made the transition to North Carolina, where she has become a prominent figure in the field of mental health. Ruth is a licensed clinical mental health counselor (LCMHC) and qualified supervisor (QS) in North Carolina, as well as a registered play therapist (RPT).
Before joining Catholic Charities, Ruth gained extensive experience in diverse settings, including private practice, inpatient facilities, community mental health, and mobile crisis. This rich experience has equipped her with a broad perspective and a deep understanding of the mental health landscape.
Her professional approach incorporates a diverse range of theories and techniques to benefit her clients. Ruth employs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help individuals, families, and couples to manage their thoughts and emotions, fosters a person-centered atmosphere to promote self-exploration, and utilizes child-centered play therapy to connect with younger clients on their level. Her commitment to promoting emotional well-being extends to the practice of mindfulness and a strong awareness of cultural diversity.
Ruth’s dedication to the field is further exemplified by her current pursuit of a doctorate degree in Counselor Education and Supervision, which demonstrates her commitment to enhancing her expertise and contributing to the education of future counselors.
Outside of her professional and academic pursuits, Ruth enjoys quality time with her family, maintaining an active lifestyle through workouts, and satisfying her love for exploration through travel and hiking. She’s an avid reader, and her diverse interests make her a well-rounded and compassionate mental health professional.
Benjamin McCook – Counseling Intern
Benjamin is pursuing his Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling through Walden University. He graduated from University of Washington with a Bachelor of Arts and completed a Master of Education program through Western Governors University. He has a background working with diverse groups of adult learners in various settings.
Benjamin’s therapeutic approach is a collaborative exploration of the client’s unique experience, acknowledging the challenges clients are facing, and building the internal resources needed to live a full and meaningful life. This is accomplished through various therapeutic modalities such as Person-Centered Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Adlerian Therapy, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
In addition to counseling modalities, he incorporates holistic approaches to therapy, including meta-cognition, nutrition, and spirituality. Each client is on a unique journey; Benjamin is looking forward to joining you, and helping you succeed and thrive.
Zoe Bass – Counseling Intern
Zoe is currently pursuing her master’s in social work with a focus in Mental Health and Trauma Therapy at the University of Louisville. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, which she obtained from Chowan University in 2018. Zoe’s approach to therapy is rooted in empathy and evidence-based practices. She is passionate about working with children, adolescents, adults and minorities.
Zoe’s specialized interests lie in cognitive behavioral therapy, play therapy, and mindfulness-based therapy, which impacts her ability to help clients navigate life challenges with healthy coping skills. Zoe’s passion is to help individuals, families and communities navigate the challenges of life and mental health through a holistic approach in therapy.
Outside of her professional and academic pursuits, Zoe enjoys spending time with family and friends. She enjoys traveling and has a passion for music and art.
Tar River Staff
Octavia Burney – Counseling Intern
252-355-5111 Ext: 2005
Octavia Burney is a Virginia native. She holds a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies with a concentration in psychology from Liberty University. She is currently pursuing a Master’s in clinical social work from Virginia Commonwealth University. Before working at Catholic Charities, Octavia had over twenty years of experience in healthcare and infectious disease, as well as , two years of experience in crisis counseling.
Octavia is a burn survivor, author, and poet. Her personal experience with burns has given her a firsthand understanding of trauma. She aims to integrate various therapeutic approaches for healthy well-being, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Psychosocial rehabilitation, Psychodynamic therapy, art therapy including writing methods to cope. Octavia is also focusing on researching maternal mortality and the health of women of color in North Carolina and the surrounding states. This research aims to explore the unique challenges and experiences faced by women of color during maternity, with the goal of improving support and healthcare services for this demographic.
Outside of her professional life, Octavia is an avid reader, adventurer, modern dancer, and music lover, currently practicing the acoustic guitar. She believes that faith, courage, and creativity equal excellence. Octavia is empowering, looks to inspire others, and always brings joy to every situation. Octavia is enthusiastically anticipating the opportunity to collaborate with others, recognizing that the process of healing and personal growth holds significant importance. This transformative journey has the potential to deeply impact individuals on a profound level, paving the way for positive change and development.
The Catholic Charities Clinical Counseling Program, is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate mental health support to individuals, couples, and families. Our range of services is designed to address diverse needs and promote holistic well-being, guided by our commitment to multicultural awareness and trauma-informed care.
Individual Counseling
Our licensed and experienced counselors offer one-on-one sessions tailored to your unique needs and challenges. Whether you’re navigating personal struggles, stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns, our individual counseling services provide a confidential and supportive space for healing and growth.
Family and Marriage Counseling
We understand the importance of strong family bonds and healthy relationships, acknowledging that families come in all shapes and sizes. Our skilled therapists help facilitate open communication and offer guidance to navigate challenges. Whether you’re a couple, a small family, or a large extended family, our counseling services are tailored to meet the unique dynamics and needs of families of all sizes.
Premarital Counseling
Preparing for a lifelong commitment is a significant step. Our premarital counseling services provide couples with the tools to navigate the journey ahead. From communication strategies to conflict resolution skills, we offer guidance to ensure a strong foundation for your marriage. Our counselors address topics such as expectations, values, and building a resilient partnership.
Group Counseling and Psychoeducational Workshops
Connect with others who may be facing similar challenges through our group counseling sessions and workshops. These collaborative environments provide a supportive community where individuals can share experiences, learn coping strategies, and foster a sense of belonging. Our workshops cover a variety of topics, promoting personal development and emotional well-being. Call us to inquire about upcoming sessions.
Telehealth Services
Recognizing the evolving needs of our community, we offer telehealth services to provide convenient access to counseling from the comfort of your home through a secure and HIPAA-compliant platform. Virtual sessions ensure continuity of care, enabling individuals and families to receive support regardless of geographical constraints.
Play Therapy
For our younger clients, we offer play therapy (PT) as a specialized approach to address emotional and behavioral issues. PT utilizes creative and expressive techniques to help children communicate and process their emotions in a safe and nurturing environment.
Clinical Supervision
For aspiring Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associates (LCMHCA), we are pleased to offer dedicated supervision with our experienced supervisor. Our supervisor provides guidance, feedback, and a structured learning environment to help you develop the necessary skills and competencies.
In addition to standard clinical supervision, we are proud to offer specialized supervision for those pursuing their Registered Play Therapist (RPT) credential. This includes tailored guidance on integrating play therapy techniques, adhering to RPT-specific requirements, and developing expertise in working with children and families through play therapy.
Our supervision services aim to prepare you for the next steps in your counseling career while adhering to ethical and best practice standards.
Mental Health Resources
If you or someone you know is in crisis, several helplines operate 24/7 to provide immediate assistance. These helplines offer support for various mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.
Crisis Text Line: Text “HELLO” to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Hope4NC Helpline: 1-855-587-3463
National Mental Health & Substance Abuse Helpline: 1-800-662-4357
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
El Programa de Consejería de Caridades Católicas está comprometido a brindar apoyo de salud mental integral y compasivo a individuos, parejas y familias. Nuestra gama de servicios está diseñada para abordar diversas necesidades y promover el bienestar integral, guiados por nuestro compromiso con la conciencia multicultural y la atención informada sobre el trauma.
Asesoramiento Individual
Nuestros consejeros autorizados y experimentados ofrecen sesiones individuales adaptadas a sus necesidades y desafíos únicos. Ya sea que esté atravesando luchas personales, estrés, ansiedad u otros problemas de salud mental, nuestros servicios de asesoramiento individual brindan un espacio confidencial y de apoyo para la curación y el crecimiento.
Consejería familiar y matrimonial
Entendemos la importancia de vínculos familiares fuertes y relaciones saludables, reconociendo que las familias vienen en todas las formas y tamaños. Nuestros terapeutas capacitados ayudan a facilitar la comunicación abierta y ofrecen orientación para afrontar los desafíos. Ya sea que sean una pareja, una familia pequeña o una familia numerosa, nuestros servicios de asesoramiento están diseñados para satisfacer las dinámicas y necesidades únicas de familias de todos los tamaños.
Consejería prematrimonial
Prepararse para un compromiso de por vida es un paso importante. Nuestros servicios de asesoramiento prematrimonial brindan a las parejas las herramientas para recorrer el camino que les espera. Desde estrategias de comunicación hasta habilidades de resolución de conflictos, ofrecemos orientación para garantizar una base sólida para su matrimonio. Nuestros consejeros abordan temas como expectativas, valores y la construcción de una asociación resiliente.
Asesoramiento Grupal y Talleres Psicoeducativos
Conéctese con otras personas que puedan estar enfrentando desafíos similares a través de nuestras sesiones y talleres de asesoramiento grupal. Estos entornos colaborativos brindan una comunidad de apoyo donde las personas pueden compartir experiencias, aprender estrategias de afrontamiento y fomentar un sentido de pertenencia. Nuestros talleres cubren una variedad de temas, promoviendo el desarrollo personal y el bienestar emocional. Llámanos para preguntar sobre próximas sesiones.
Servicios de telesalud
Reconociendo las necesidades cambiantes de nuestra comunidad, ofrecemos servicios de telesalud para brindar acceso conveniente a asesoramiento desde la comodidad de su hogar a través de una plataforma segura y que cumple con HIPAA. Las sesiones virtuales garantizan la continuidad de la atención, permitiendo que las personas y las familias reciban apoyo independientemente de las limitaciones geográficas.
Terapia de juego
Para nuestros clientes más jóvenes, ofrecemos terapia de juego como un enfoque especializado para abordar problemas emocionales y de comportamiento. Terapia de juego utiliza técnicas creativas y expresivas para ayudar a los niños a comunicarse y procesar sus emociones en un ambiente seguro y enriquecedor.
Supervisión clínica
Para los aspirantes a Asociados de Consejería de Salud Mental Clínica con Licencia (LCMHCA, por sus siglas en inglés), nos complace ofrecer supervisión dedicada con nuestro supervisor experimentado. Nuestro supervisor brinda orientación, retroalimentación y un entorno de aprendizaje estructurado para ayudarte a desarrollar las habilidades y competencias necesarias.
Además de la supervisión clínica estándar, estamos orgullosos de ofrecer supervisión especializada para quienes buscan obtener la credencial de Terapeuta de Juego Registrado (RPT, por sus siglas en inglés). Esto incluye orientación personalizada sobre la integración de técnicas de terapia de juego, el cumplimiento de los requisitos específicos de RPT y el desarrollo de experiencia en el trabajo con niños y familias a través de la terapia de juego.
Nuestros servicios de supervisión tienen como objetivo prepararte para los próximos pasos en tu carrera como consejero, respetando los estándares éticos y las mejores prácticas.
Recursos de salud mental
Si usted o alguien que conoce está en crisis, varias líneas de ayuda funcionan las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana para brindar asistencia inmediata. Estas líneas de ayuda ofrecen apoyo para diversos problemas de salud mental, como depresión, ansiedad y pensamientos suicidas.
Línea de texto de crisis: envíe “HOLA” al 741741
Línea de vida nacional para la prevención del suicidio: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Línea de ayuda Hope4NC: 1-855-587-3463
Línea de ayuda nacional de salud mental y abuso de sustancias: 1-800-662-4357
Línea directa nacional contra la violencia doméstica: 1-800-799-7233