Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh

Dorothy and Roy Park Alumni Center
at NC State University

2450 Alumni Drive
Raleigh, NC

November 9, 2024

Black Tie • Reception • Dinner • Remarks

If you are interested in sponsoring the Centennial Ball, or would like information about sponsoring at an amount other than those listed above, please contact Katey Fithian, Chief Development Officer, at Katey.Fithian@ccharitiesdor.org.

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Premier seating for 10 guests at one table with Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama
  • Ten tickets to the Praise God in His Holy Place Concert at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Friday, October 25, 2024
  • Ten tickets to the Mass of the Faithful at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Friday, November 8, 2024
  • Recognition from the podium at the Gala

*One Century Sponsorship Available

  • Premier seating for 10 guests at one table
  • Ten tickets to the Praise God in His Holy Place Concert at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Friday, October 25, 2024
  • Ten tickets to the Mass of the Faithful at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Friday, November 8, 2024
  • Recognition from the podium at the Gala
  • Preferred seating for 10 guests at one table
  • Ten tickets to the Praise God in His Holy Place Concert at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Friday, October 25, 2024
  • Ten tickets to the Mass of the Faithful at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Friday, November 8, 2024
  • Recognition from the podium at the Gala
  • Seating for 10 guests at one table
  • Two tickets to the Praise God in His Holy Place Concert at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Friday, October 25, 2024
  • Two tickets to the Mass of the Faithful at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Friday, November 8, 2024
  • Seating for 10 guests at one table

Sponsors at all levels will receive the following benefits:

– Recognition in the Printed Program
– Recognition in the Event Signage
– Recognition on the Event Website and Social Media
– Recognition in the Commemorative Edition of NC Catholic Magazine


Century Sponsor

Melissa and Bryan Yeazel

Gold Sponsors


Johanna and Tony Crabtree

Maria and Bob Luddy

Silver Sponsors

Alyce and Bill Cavanaugh

Trish and John Healy

Mimi and Henry Zaytoun, Jr.

Crystal Sponsors

Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral

The Doggett Family

Barbara and Jim Goodmon &

The AJ Fletcher Foundation

Becky and Carman Liuzzo

Kerry and Tim Mann

Terry Shackelton

Bronze Sponsors

Mary Ellen and CJ Bruno

Colleen and Jim Baker

Patty and Mayor John Byrne

Kerrie and Kevin Debbs &

Nicole and Peter Berzins

Margie and Mark Dellasega

Mary Ann and Mark Enzweiler

Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre

Sue Ann and Donald Glower

St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Parish

Elizabeth and Juice Schmidt

St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church

Karen and Chuck Swoboda

Centennial Ball
Advisory Committee Members

Alyce Cavanaugh

Margie Dellasega

Jane Doggett

Anne Doggett

Sue Ann Glower

Trish Healy

Carol Marino

Rebecca McCabe

Shannon Russell

Karen Swoboda

Jane von Jess

Mimi Zaytoun

As the Roman Catholic Diocese of Raleigh celebrates its 100th anniversary and commemorates a century of growing in the Body of Christ, the Centennial Ball will help to strengthen Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama’s vital ministries of Catholic Charities, the Office of Education, and the Office of Vocations. As we look towards the future of our vibrant diocese, all funds raised at this event will support these three ministries, which are vital to the next 100 years of growth.

  • Assisted over 195,000 individuals from 54 counties, an increase of 30% from the previous year.
  • Catholic Charities serves our neighbors in need through 6 regional offices, 3 parish service sites, and
    2 family Hispanic centers throughout the Diocese of Raleigh.
  • Over 3.5 million pounds of food was distributed to 181,000 individuals by our 5 food pantries, an increase of 35% from the previous year.
  • Over 400 families were assisted in preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation by our Disaster Services Program.
  • Over 800 families were assisted through Immigration Legal Services.
  • 25% of the annual operating budget is funded by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. The remaining 75% is raised through private donations and fundraising.
  • 817 individuals contributed 47,176 volunteer hours.
  • 9,563 students have been entrusted to our care for the 2023-2024 school year.
  • Our schools provide an environment to form disciples and scholars for students from ages 2-18.
  • Enrollment has continued to increase, with a 6.6% increase since the 2019-2020 school year.
  • Serves 5 Early Childhood Centers, 22 Elementary Schools, and 1 High School
  • Diocese of Raleigh Catholic Schools are located in 13 counties throughout Central and Eastern North Carolina.
  • 899 full and part-time teachers and staff serve in our schools.
  • 23 of our schools offer before and after-school care.
  • In the 2023-24 school year, 1,297 students were recipients of the North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship, with a total scholarship award of $5,010,600.
  • Diocesan scholarship awards totaled $122,000 for the 2023-2024 school year, with the goal of significantly increasing these opportunities in the future.
  • Next fall, there will be 16 seminarians in formation as well as 18 young men actively discerning the vocation of priesthood in the Diocese of Raleigh.
  • 2 Priests and 1 Transitional Deacon were ordained in 2024.
  • The total annual education cost per seminarian is $48,788.28
    • Tuition: $23,400   • Room & Board: $15,585   • Medical: $5,303
    • Travel $3,500   • Ordination Prep $1,000
  • This past year, Priests were needed to perform:
    • 4,125 First Communions   • 4,343 Baptisms
    • 840 Marriages   • 3,359 Confirmations
  • Seminarians attend 3 seminaries: St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Notre Dame Seminary, and Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary.
  • There are currently 5 seminarians in their pastoral year, serving at St. Michael the Archangel in Cary, St. Mary Magdalene in Apex, Basilica Shrine of St. Mary in Wilmington, and Infant of Prague in Jacksonville.